A human with a passion for open-ed, large datasets, and beautiful visualisations.
Hello there!
I am a data scientist at Paramount, focusing on creating accessible advanced advertising technologies. Concurrently, I recently graduated with masters degree at NYU’s Center for Data Science (CDS). Prior to that, I received a BS in Applied Psychology, also at New York University.
Use correlation analysis to determine if comment activity in the months following the January 2021 Gamestop activity, appear to influence the stock prices of memestocks or the overall market in any way.
Evaluated potential applications of a new e-commerce bi-modal dataset with Stable Diffusion (SD) and fidelity metrics.
Searching for participant clusters as mentioned in this video with Reddit submission comments.
101 Project. Used various sci-kit models to assess relationship between topics/tags and video views.
Collaborators: Cora (Hyun) Jung & Dee Hahm
ARIMA model created for my Forecasting Timeseries class from Citi Bike Station Status data.
Created a force directed graph using webscraped scripts. Proximity between nodes determined by frequency of uttering another character's name.
Lead marketing committee through research process: collecting survey data on website, and performing analysis in R.
Final Project for my Introduction to Programming and Data Science. Used Python (MatPlotLib, Seaborn, StatsModels, Pandas) and SQL.
My final project for Research Methods II, examining the relationship between Academic Achievement, Digital Activism, and moderation by Twitter account possession. I ran a t-test, bivariate correlation and multiple regression analysis.
Marketing Campaign and Design Materials for the Inter-Residence Hall Council.